Monday, October 13, 2008

Change for the better...

Something i got out of the lecture i just had but not relating to the subject..haha. People always say make changes in our life for the better and when the changes has made we complain that the chnages has no effect, or doesnt work. One of the reason that i just realise during the lecture mention by the lecturer of course is that do we have the perseverance to wait for the changes to take effect and see the better side of it?? Many times we expect the changes to have an immediate effect which at times it does and it doesnt. When we doesnt we complain and seek for another change saying the changes that has been made is no good as no effect has been seen. Sometimes in life, the decisions we made might not have an immediate impact on our life, it might take a longer time for it to take effect. Conclusion??...dun complain when it seems there is nothing going on...but just persevere longer and there might be a difference...

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