Thursday, March 5, 2009

Something about me...

Yo peeps, hehe...i went to get another hair cut today....well i wanted to leave my hair long but i needed to get my hair cut. Reason...coz i need to get passport size photos, so go get a hair cut and look abit nicer.

And here is the wondrful passport pic of me...

When i first look at it...i cant recongnise who it is at first...i had the 'who is this fella?' feeling in me. Haha...mayb i'm so use to seeing myself with specs, then when i look at this pic i was like...ermmm whoa so diff...but then again how much diff can a specs make a person look like?!
i feel funny though with my hair so short all of the reminds me of my secondary skool years.....haha...but nvm...there hair can always be grown back again...

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