Thursday, January 15, 2009


1 Samuel 17 is about David and Goliath and i believe most people know why he won over Goliath coz God was with him and he has faith in God. Hebrews 11 talks all about faith. So wat is faith? My explanation of faith would be believing without seeing. So when i say i have faith in God means i'm believing in Him but yet i dun see Him. Why do we as Christians struggle so much when comes to having faih in God? According to the bible, it says that God is onmi present and he is with us all the time. But yet why are we having hard time believing those very words are true? I say is cause we dun see it, and hav not really had a personal encounter with God. Sadly to say, not every Christians that accepted Jesus as Saviour had experince Him. By experiencing the personal encounter with God only then can we believe without seeing Him, cause when we can feel Him mean that He is already with us thus proving the bible rite and believing Him to be real and with us would be so much easier. Of course even when we hav experince Him and yet cant feel His presence and everything seems wrong, that is the time where ur faith in Him is tested. So wat good does faith do to us?? 1 Samuel 17, the victory of David, this shows to us that when we have faith in God, then at the end of the day, no matter wat the matter is we will be triumphant, victorious, and overcome the matter. And is by faith in Him that we gt our blessings from Him.

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