Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Second That You Say - Chase Coy


Hey peeps, first of all apologies for not having a proper word update for some time now. Well to undo the wrong here is one post of it Haha...well mainly just some updates on what is happening and i guess some thoughts on some stuff...

For the past 2 weeks has just been busy helping my mum with the junk mail and so on. But everything is alright. With Sarah away for almost 2 weeks now...ermmm...yeah i'm sure is almost 2 weeks now, anyway..the time just seems to be crawling for both of us. Yeah been msg each other back and skype, that is the only thing that is closes for now. Yeah and since she is away...i've been always wanting to eat ice cream..hmm..hahha...

Just watched Paranormal Activity. Though is kinda boring, with how slow the movies feels but i find it something different, i mean most hollywood horror movie to me is just mostly gore. Ok with their attempt to do a hollywood versions of asian's horror movies i still find it they fail to do it. Like Ju-On, which was just one of the freaky-est horror movie i've watch, which i kinda like. The hollywood version of sucks. So i consider Paranormal Activity is not that bad, though many complain how stupid the movie is...oh well they have the right to have thier opinion...

I think most probably might have experience before what i'm about to say...mayb... well i beleive everyone has plenty of friends. And for me there is always seems to be 2 groups of friends, and they always have a different priority. Now this sucks is because sometimes, you'll be stuck in the middle and needs to decide what is right that needs to be done. But the friends that you are always close seems to be, well most of time is not the right decision. Now that is not my point, is the stuggle in you to decide what is right, without the support of the rest just seems hard.....

Well i should just stop there for now...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Somewhere Out There...

As i was walking in to my house when i got back from Edwin's place, i saw the moon and thought of Sarah, and then this song came into my mind...hehe..

Friday, November 27, 2009

Endless Love...

Another nice classic

In a Blink of An Eye...

Hello peeps, havn't been really updating my blog for the past week, something kinda rare i would say. But well here is an update of what had happen since last Wednesday...hmmm...yeah i guess is around there.

Well i know by now most people would know but no harm mentioning it again...i've return to Melbourne for some reasons. So my friends in KL...sorry if i didnt manage to let you know or meet up with you before i leave i'll make it up when i return next time!!

That was on Wed when i boarded the plane back to Melb and arrived on Thursday morning, which i ended up sleeping half the day after that. Then that nite, Thursday nite, i went over to Sarah's place to see her...

And then came Friday...Sarah came over to my place to hang out, and later that night we went to UCC End Of Year Celebration at Quok(i think that is the name of the place) well that night was great, laughter entertained, just not enough food!! seriously not enough!! Then headed to the city, for more food..hehe...some of us got some ice cream to eat while the rest ate foods serve at Lambs...head over to FB for the pictures...

Then Saturday came, i headed over to Sarah's place initially then ended up following her and her family to get camera. Later on Dena, Sarah n me headed to church which we are late for=P Then we headed for dinner at Hello Cook in Holmesglen, which was just near to the place Sarah get her camera. Later on tat night we headed to EdRin's place (as usual) to play PICTIONARY MAN. Yeah is like pictionary, just that you draw on a man and props for people to guess what is it about.

Sunday came And i spent the afternoon over at Sarah's place, and then during the night we had round 2 of dinner at EdRin's place. Hahah...hmmm..practically that is how the Sunday went by...Monday came too and went by similarly....i spent my afternoon at Sarah's place with her.

Tuesday, i went for a movie with Sarah at Glen, we watched New Moon. I find the movie is better than the first. Not to say great but watchable...=P Then dinner over at Sarah's place. Then on Wednesday, we headed down to the city with the intention of going around the city, then narrowed it down to museum but then ended up watching 2 iMax movies instead of exploring the city...haha. We watched human body, which was interesting, the down part is not 3d...and also watched Christmas Carol which was good and it was in 3d!!! Then later that night over my place there was a farewell party for Yen Wen....yes Yen wen everyone one will be missing you....sad to say me too for i will have one less person to tease/make fun and a noisy house mate XP...hahaha

I spend Thursday most of the time at Sarah's place but in the afternoon we went to watched Time Traveller's Wife. Well let just say is a hard time for us to say goodbye yesterday night since she will be leaving for US today...hmmm

Oh just incase you are still wondering why i've been spending so much time over at Sarah's cause we are together=)

well hope i got more interesting to update soon....that is all for now=)

Meiko - Piano Song...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Just another day in KL...

Well the day is coming nearer by the minute and i cant wait for it. Well for those of u who is reading and know please dun leave any hint of it on my blog/facebook...please please please!!! i'm trying to do something here...and i'll blame any of u when it fails!!!! I'm serious about this!!!

Been a tiring day, clean my stuff last nite and slept at 2 then wake up at 8 plus just to do more cleaning of the house was just the beginning, then went to church and later on dinner with friends and help to do a little work for friend's wedding. Which leads to yam cha till not long ago when i arrive home. hahha..

oh well interesting sms conversation happen to nite..but not gonna share the details here...but i just never expected it..hahhaha

Saturday, November 14, 2009


It sucks when you do something and it makes some people sad. Ok mayb not sad but it makes me feel guilty. Thing has been decided and yes it is kinda sudden but i've decided it and i believe i can d something good with it. Yes definately the time i'm here is short but i dun think it will make a huge difference even if the time is longer. Rite now though it is kinda rush, but how the effects come to just makes me feel guilty...just makes me think twice of what i have done...hate it!!!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Is this for real??...

Was browsing thru facebook and saw this link that my friend posted. Go click on it(the word case some of u who dun know where is it!!!) and read it for yourself...

apparently if guys looks at a D-cup or higher breast for 10 minutes is equilavent to 30 minutes of aerobic work out...hahhaha...i guess people will just research all sorts of things now a these days...


Friday, November 6, 2009

Through My Window...

Joke Of The Day...

A Chinese man and an English man were dining in a restaurant. The Chinese man lifted his glass up and made a toast to the English man, "Gan Bei" (Cheers). The English man was confused but he continued eating. This happened a few times and whenever the Chinese man wanted to drink he would always say "Gan Bei" ! The English man only nodded and silently continued to drink and eat. Not long after, the Chinese man once again said, "Gan Bei" whilst lifting up his glass. This time, the English man put down his cutlery and angrily said to the Chinese man, "It's all right if you CAN'T PAY!" I'll pay! So just shut up".

It Sucks...

It sucks when you know you can do something but yet circumstances doesnt allow it. And that is reason you dont do it...but yet at the same time..depe down within you just know you need to do that cause if u dun...u just feel guilty/ bad/ horrible....eiher one of them..or all of them...oh wel just need to live with it for now i guess....arghhh....

Thursday, November 5, 2009



It sucks when you got a call in the morning while you are still in bed. That call ended up becoming a lecture...


Hey peeps, sorry that lately been loading more n more videos, and less written posts...well some videos just are entertaining and makes me laugh...but i guess those that are of today..which mostly after some thought i think is kinda time wasting...but i wont be removing it...

Well i'm not in a oh goodie goodie mood at the moment...that explains the late night. It sucks that i'm feeling this way but it cant be helped. Just wish time flies faster...i know i know how people always say that time is precious and want more of it etc etc but when it makes u feel horrible and to cure it is time...u just wants it to pass fast...hmmmm...

well i guess i'm off to bed soon...mayb...

Fat Kid On Rollercoaster...

Cartoons of the past...

Well i wont say is the TOP 10 best song..but i guess those who grew up in those era sure like it...there i lots more in youtube go search if u wan...but in the 29 theme songs...i only watch like ermm...18 of it...hahha...

I Laughed When I Read It...

Ok i got this from my couz blog...and it is kinda can directly read it from the blog here n here...of coz i will do some modification for simplicity..=P

Is Hell Exothermic or Endothermic?

A Honours student answer...

First, we must postulate that if souls exist, they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls also must have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving?

I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it does not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for souls entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some religions say that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions, and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to Hell.

With the birth and death rates what they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change in the volume of Hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of the souls and volume needs to stay constant.

[Answer 1] So, if Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature in Hell willincrease until all Hell breaks loose.

[Answer 2] Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase in souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it? If we accept the postulate (given to me by Teresa Banyan during freshman year) that "it'll be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you", and taking into account that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then [Answer 2] cannot be correct; ...... thus, Hell is exothermic.

Is There A Santa Clause?

1. No known species of reindeer that can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not completely rule out flying reindeer (which only Santa has ever seen.)

2. There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world. BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total-378 million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each.

3. Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second. This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept),we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75-1/2 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc. This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man-made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second-a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.

4. The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see point #1) could pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload-not even counting the weight of the sleigh-to 353,430 tons. Again, for comparison-this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth.

5. 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance-this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecrafts re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each. In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.

In conclusion: If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now

Monday, November 2, 2009

Songs That I've Been Listening To On My Ipod n TV...

Another week...

Hey peeps, it has been some time since i last posted some thing that is not a video, hahha. Oh well the week has been...erm let say interesting in a way.

well on Monday didnt really do much just went out and get some stuff. Then came Tuesday, nite to be exact went out to Christina's birthday and meet up with other college friends which some how one way or another became a family, and i turn out to be one of the gay uncles they concluded that is ermmm...let say long story..hahha..

Thrusday came and i went out with Yoon Fong. I used to call her my 'mum' in school since she has the same birthday as my mother hahha...yeah so that is y i got to like catch up with wat we did was went out to night market then later on went for a drink at some wan tan mee stall and had a like an hour plus chat just catching up. Friday nothing much too, during the night went ya cha with Paul, Kim, Tony n Chi first when the mamak fella came and ask us wat to order, suddenly my mind just went blank dunno wat to order...hahha I think that is the first mamak yam cha i hav since i got back from Melb, i was seriously blured and the name of the drinks didnt registered in my mind...but had a good nite catching up with the guys..talking all sorts.

Then came saturday nite, Daniel Soo's bachelor party...which ended up kinda early since we make him drink that is just the first round but he KO-ed so ended up 2nd round was cancel, but manage to video him drinking the shots will post it when i have the time. Since it was a bachelor party surely i had drank and the next day Sunday, i was suppose to pray during intercession in the service...thankfully i wasnt experiencing any hangover and manage to wake up to go to church...hahha. Went to play CS in the afternoon after church, and just got wacked badly in a map and was in a race for the top frag in another map...but it was fun!!!!!

Went to have dinner with my grams and aunt, then get to see my little couz sis. I missed her actually, i was heart broken at first, cause she didnt recongnise me....but later on she remembered me. hahhaha cute little girl..hehehe

4 hands 1 Guitar...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Complaints Choir of Singapore...

Is this true??....hmmm

Facebook Manners...


It sucks when you ur parents asks you to do something that they think will not only help me but also help thier frens, and you dun feel like doing it. Well in a way i think it is good but the fact that my mum has her ways keeping an eye on me just doesnt make me feel comfortable. Cause i will definately feel i need to restrain in areas where to them or her seems rude/naughty/inappropriate...Not only that it also closes the option that i'm like hoping for...arghhh!!!

You're My Caffeine...

16 days has past
Little by little everyday
I'm knowing you better
And it has been and still is a joy
Counting down the days
Till we meet again
Calls is all I can do
Cost maybe too great
But by hearing your voice
The distance seems to disappear
Drawing me closer to you...

*Bedebap bedebup bedebap bedebup*...

It has been days since i've told. At first i thought i would wait till i get back to Melb before i say but as i spend my nights here i know i just had to hear that voice, that sweet voice. I wanted to wait till i go back to Melb before i say anything cause that i want that reason of i treating as a rebound to be gone and never to ever exist cause i know for sure how i feel. But i couldnt hold it in and ended up mentioning little by little till i said it. Thing have gone well and i thank God for it, even when i was in church i prayed and thank Him for wat had already happened, and prayed for His blessing. The nights has gone so much better after hearing your voice, putting a smile on my face when i sleep and sucks tat i got to wait for 3 months but i guess the wait will be worth it=)

Barry Manilow - Can't Smile Without You...

Spandau Ballet - True...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let's Start Over...

You know how long it takes to build up the friendship from a hi bye friend to a close or to some best friend status??!! well it is just different for each other, but definately loads of time is required to build it up to that. But it definately take a short while to take the close friend status and degrade it to a hi bye fren.

Though it might not be obvious that the relationship with my friend has a bigger gap in between than of last time but it is there. It is as thought the amout and work and time put into building up those relationship has crumble, and gone back to square 1...but not really square 1 that bad i would say. But to come back and to feel that i've to start all over again sure is not an pleasant feeling to have. But that wont stop me from getting to know them again...

1 more day to a week....

Hey readers, hmm it has been almost a week now that i've been back in Msia, and that was partly the reason why i didnt update the blog with posts over the week. Why?? cause i know some of my frens here do read my blog and annoucing my return here would just mean spoiling the surprise and yes they had the surprise!! Another was that i didnt really get a good internet connection over here for the past week but tht doesnt stop me from progressing...oh and be warned that this is gonna be kinda long post of me listing wat has happen... are some updates what has been going on with my life...i'll start from last friday the day i finish my exams!! Yeah and that weekend was like one of the tiring weekends i ever had...hehe.. so on that Friay, after my final paper for the semester, i went for movie with Sarah Ngieng, not Ng...then headed over to my place to hangout then dinner, then cg later on that nite.

Then next morning, which was Saturday, headed over to Marysville to strip bark. Strip Bark?! you may ask...well is basically is just using a sharp spade stripping the bark off the logs. Reason for this?! As the news of bush fire happen in Marysville last year, which i believe was broadcast all over the world (if Msia frens knew abt it, i doubt it was not broadcast over the world), so one of the church member that lives there wants to rebuild his log cabin houses, so to build a nice good looking log cabins, u need to strip the logs naked...XP...heheh..nah is just strip the bark off.

Now then that day has not ended yet...most of us who went left early so can attend the saturday service that nite. And yeah that day also marks the first time i drove to church..hahha, but it was alrite the passengers survives at least. As usual every week, dinner and hangout after the service.

Next comes sunday, which early morning i woke up to work, then in the afternoon to pack my stuff for my return on Monday, then later in the evening hangout at Sarah's place and dinner over there too. At night headed over to Ed's place to hangout then dinner round 2, yep is a prep thing for getting my supper habit when i'm back in Msia...hahhaha

Then monday morning...headed to the airport to for the flight which was delayed by 1 and half hours...causing me to reach back KL ard 6 plus which supposing i could reach by 4 plus....But thank God for the journey mercy back here.

Now, the reason for the tiring weekend...i would hav to start on Wednesday nite, the nite before i had my second last paper and thursday some of u know usually i will hardly sleep the nite before my paper doing more reading covering stuff that i should cover for the paper, so those 2 nites i didnt really sleep, and as mention above the activities that has been going on in that 5 nights i think i slept abt 15 hours and less so it was tiring!!!

See i told you it would be long, it is just 3 days and it is half the post...or is it mayb i just didnt post for long time that i just taking this time to post something long?!!...hmmmm....=P

Now over the past week that i'm back here, gone to cut my hair on tuesday, met up with LRT buddy, been to college to meet up with my college mates on wednesday, stay home and clean the house on Thusday and night market on that night (oh how i miss the night market, but it was kinda disappointing though....) And Friday went to shop for shirt and lunch again wiht buddy, and headed to church during the night for a mini camp...which leads to today!!

Now in the mini camp, we bbq, worshipped, a sharing by JLai, then a corporate prayer, then games, then supper then only sleep...the nite ended at 3 in the morning, and the day starts at 730 in the morning...then breakfast, worship, games Is this weekend tiring??..well sort off, considering how my body has been trying to adjust back to Msia's timing, i mean i've been sleeping late but waking up early like 5, 6 plus Msia time in the morning so can consider as tiring i guess...but oh well for now i'm enjoying it.

And omehting great has happen this past week and i will share it with u if u ask i guess i better stop here for now before i bored u with more words...XP

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Counter Strike...


Yes..i;ve finish all my papers for my is here and i like it...hahhaha...but i'm dead tired rite nites...more tomorrow..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another done...

Yes!! another paper is over and one more to go...i hate doing papers that you know how to do, and at the end of the paper, u just feel that you have not done enough yet. This is so frustrating. And questions that offer high points like 7 marks and the whole answer is as short or simple as few lines makes you think, did i did right or did i miss out something. Why do papers need to make people feel this way?!

Anyway people is just another few more days and i cant wait for it!!..woo hoo=)...

Playing Piano with balls...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

H1N1 Vaccination...

Yawn...didnt had my usual sleep in today..coz i had to wake up for the vaccine...well it was alrie actually if you ask me...just that how the doc do it was just rub that piece of cotton on ur arm then just poke that needle into your arm as though trying to poke thru something super hard it is as though trying to throw a dart...but oh well overall it is fine...

Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You for A.Sax & Orch....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

JS - People get ready....

Bryan Adams - Have You Really Ever Loved A Woman...

At the start of a new day...

Yo peeps...i've been searching thru my past posts on my previous blog and i remember loats of stuff just by reading it...all the good, bad, funny, stupid, angry, boring posts i had there...and it just bring back memories...i miss them...hahah..and since my birthday was not long ago..i shall link one of the post it back here that is also something to do with my birthday...i think that was the longest post i had back in that blog but still it is a good post i would say for it contains the memories of the good n not so good times...

Now exam has not yet over but i've already started to think what to do after my papers...hahahha. But it cant be help...there is few plans up my sleeves but i need to wait some more before i can really start things going coz need to seek the right resources people!!! And if it does work it i will post it here and update stay tune!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Can I Have This Dance...

Take my hand, take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
Keep your eyes locked on mine
And let the music be your guide.

Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forger)
We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

Take my hand, I'll take the lead
And every turn will be safe with me
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you threw it all

And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart)
'Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
Ans with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide
'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop

Let it rain, let it pour
What we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe, that we were meant to be

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you (like you)
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do)
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance( can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

Tempted once again...

I was thinking the whole day how should i ask or to find out...but in the end i didnt do it...yeah yeah..some might say i wuss out/ chicken..or watever that comes into your mind...but i just think is just not the time yet. No matter how much tat i want to find out, there is always time for this and it aint then...but i just hope that this doesnt linger in my mind...sigh...

You've Got A Friend Part 3....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

2 more to go...

2 papers is down and 2 more to go...for some reason the more papers i sat the more i feel depressed...mayb is cause of the amout of pressure/stress i'm feeling not only from myself but from my family as well...but i guess that is just how life is eh?!....fever is still with me..though i might look lifely jumping, joking laughing and so on...i'm still sick and it shows the most when i'm tired...bleh...It is sad though when it is told innocently...thinking that nothing is happening....the question to tat could only be found when i ask...but to ask is just another risk....

You've Got A Friend Part 2....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Early Thursday Morning...

Rite now in uni...printing some stuff before i do more reading for my paper later...sigh...i'm so tired..mayb is cause of the fever i;m having at the moment..but wat the heck?!...just need to live thru it and survive this 2 weeks...well at least 1 week plus..there is a good reward at the end i know for sure...and something i need not think about it would be great during that time..oh well time will tell more stuff sooner or later...time to study!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

1 Down...3 to go....

had my first paper for the semester...and when the lecturer says only abt 40% pass for the whole course...he aint joking...i think even the best student had a challenge finishing the paper...i had to spend an hour just to finish a 6 prt calculation..the hard part wasnt remembering the formula since they provided...the hard part was to find almost every single value of the component for the formula...oh well wat is done is done..just hope i get it rite and no careless mistakes....

i'm tired and need my sleep...yyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnn....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Great weekend...

Good day readers, my weekend was filled with fun fun fun!! Now if you have been reading, you know that Thursday was my birthday, and which celebration goes on to Friday nite after cg...but there is not where it ends, it continues on to Saturday!!!!

On Saturday, EdRin has otganise a party for mooncake festival cum birthday celebration for Chia Pei n after preparing fruits for that nite, in the afternoon went for another round of bowling wiht Cyndi and later on headed for church and continue to the party. Well all of us had fun there, there was TV sessions, mahjong table, puzzle/quiz/mind thinking game, then there is just games one after another.

Now if you think the activities stops on Saturday itself then you are wrong!! Coz we left EdRin's place ard 5 plus in the morning, sunday morning that is...well that is still alrite considering people get to sleep in, but i woke up 5 hours later so i can join Cyndi, Jacklyn, Eugene n Soo Fen(i think that i show it is spell..) to the tulip festival. Took some nice pics of the tulips, and plenty more with the other's camera....then at nite, dinner with Sarah, EdRin n Timo at Captain America....i dun remember the whole full name...but mainly they are famous for thier burgers, and yes they are good!! Once you taste it, McD is like how i tried Carls Jr in Msia and since then hardly i eat burgers at McD in Msia. But stuff like these always comes with a price which i think is worth it.

That is how the weekend goes, but i guess it is needed before i face the war tomorrow...yes people!! I'm having war with my papers tomorrow!! Usually i will schedule post stuff over my blog so i dun need to upadate till exam is over...but i'm guessing i wont be doing that for this time...i think i need it to get my mind of things..

I kept on thining whether should i or should i not....Circumstances says no but temptation says just pray i survive this till the end and let things be after 2 weeks...sigh...

P.S. I'll posts photos after i've gotten them and my after my exams...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Another round of Surprise!!... is Friday nite and as usual cg at my place. Expected tht my cg would celebrate my bday but wasnt really expecting it they were trying to surprise me but it didnt work...coz another cg came over to my place and surprise me with another basically the cake that was prepared from my cg was not eaten but saved for Chia Pei'

But i really enjoy it!! Especially at this time where my finals is so near...i practically lost the mood to look forward to my birthday because of my finals...after feeling the presure from ard just turn my mood of to look forward to my birthday but i guess the surprises just lifted my moody mood off eh??

Thanks everyone for it=)

Friday, October 2, 2009


Congrats to Joanne Lai a.k.a froggie, froggo, smeagle, kukumali, JLai (eh what other nicks we have for you???...heheh) on ur baptism and it has been such a wonderful day for you=)...ok some background for the other readers eh?!...she is a close fren(eh u really need online more often to keep traack!!!), used to be intern for cg together....then leader (while i lead another cell), went BK(Bible Knowledge) class back in 2004? cant remember... as mention above, she has a list of nicks....i guess that is all for some interesting facts but there is more stuff tat requires u to know her as a fren=)

3 Birthdays....

Ok first of all it was my before i start sharing how my day went...let me tell u abt the 3

Now...1st Oct which is obviously mine...then my friend, Jeremy his birthday is on the 2nd and then comes Chia Pei on the 3rd...the only thing is one is older thn the other just a year...and how often do you find 3 fellas knowing one other one way or another with the birthday one after another?!!...great eh??

Ok...i started off my bday without me expecting something to happen...really, coz i was chatting on MSN at 12 am plus...then i receive my first bday wish from Cyndi...and then it all starts flowing after another in there i was starting to thank everyone... that was early morning. Then afternoon came, i spend it with C&C....No it is not Command & Chelsie n Calvin....first we headed for coffee at Mocha Joe's then played bowling at Strike...and took some pics of both of them and of coz hav a nice show watching them teaching one another to play...hahha. Then nite time just dinner with the family. And then...later on at nite there was a surprise...hahha..that made my is all i'm gonna say....

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well i'm suppose to be studying but past 2 days i somehow took some time off to watch anime....well i watch Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children first. It is not my first time watching time..i've lost count how mant times have i watch it and i still like it like i've just watch it the first time!! YES people it is that good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then been watching Death Note. I like reading the manga. Though the movie they made was some what similar in the beginning but it is not as good as the manga. The anime is better than the movie i would say. But at the end of the day i prefer the manga...though alot of reading is required but is by far best among the 3 in my opinion...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Saying back to Wen Lin, Joelle, n Zh for droping by...hahah...I would leave a msg at ur blogs individually but i only manage to find WL's chat i shall just said it here...cant believe you gals n guy drop by after ur exams!!! Should drop by more often!!! like me on ur blogs=P...wahhahha

It is less than a week till my finals start and i'm already freaking out...shit...Need to do more nerding and sink every part of my brain into the books to absorb all freaking information that is hoo....oh well i'm just looking forward to my holiday though..but first i need to face the papers...boring!!...

What If....hmmm....

Every now and then talking with an old friend is fact i enjoy it...coz besides catching up...there is always this thing we always do...asking questions which some is just plain random while others just make you think.

And just when we are into the topic of relationship, question being asked: Will you ever had another chance with ur ex, as in get back wiht her if there is the chance...Well aint that the common question being asked when they know u had an ex...Now at first i thought it was a totally random question...coz the last time i was in a relationship it was like...3 years practically it was a long long time and i just dunno wat to answer my friend. After giving some thought i said that i dun think i'll ever get back...reason is that we have been like 3 years apart and things has change over the years and i believe both is looking for different things in life.

Now i find it funny that if we started together and spend time thru the years like 3 years no matter how different the thigns we seek in life as we grow older, somehow i think the relationship would still conitnue on...with give and take from both sides. But if started and separated...and a chance to get back togethr...i dun think it will be that easy to just get back together though both looking for different things in life yet is just felt difficult to get back together. Mayb is coz of the year that has been spend together that has make the difference of learning to move together as a couple....

Oh well seeing how random the question to me is..i ask back why was i being asked abt this and to find out that my freind wanted to get back with the ex...Besides wat i've said above...sometimes if the other dun lke you anymore and just feel that both shouldnt be together it just wont work. Relationship just aint a 1 sided requires both side to work things. If both sides are not doing anything to make it work..then what is the point of having one?? It will end up strining one side and eventually lead to a break up...Of coz there is always the exceptions which i dun know how it works out wat i've said so far is just my thoughts....thoughts of my own, not a scholar, not a book writer or wat so ever famous...everyone has thier own thoughts

Ok i'm starting to talk crap cant really blame it..wait u can if you want to..but i'm blaming the stress that i'm having at the just let me crap ard here would ya?!!...i just cant stop thinking abt....

Sunday, September 27, 2009


First off, happy holidays to my friends back in KL who has just finish thier papers yesterday!! Yup, reading thier dreadful MSN status sure gives me the idea of how bad they think the papers are. So now that all of you are on ur holiday, enjoy it!!!

As mention before, i've been kick out of my room shifted to the living room turn into a temporary room that the gues is gone...hehe...i'm back into my room...oh my sweet room...the only prob is that it is missing some mattress which is suppose to make up my bed to be more comfy in certain way...but oh well just got to deal with it for now...

today went to Mornington Peninsula. the initial plan was to go hot spring and do other stuff. And we did manage to go to the hot spring and ended up doing lots of other stuff like going to the winery cellar, having coffee/dessert at a strawberry farm, a shop that sells gourmet chocs....i'll post some photos when i get my on some...

I got to stop thinking....sigh...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Spare...

Another video by Wong Fu Productions...


Have you ever been tempted...i know i hav...and many many times too. We always get tempted abt things, all sort of things actually. temptation is the worst when u really know you shouldnt do it coz of the consequences that will come right after that. But like i said is a just so wan to do it coz u need to satisfy that crave or that feeling that is a like...but you cant!! I just had that and is just horrible. Somethings are just meant to be kept and let it fade away over time i guess...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 2...

Waking up in the morning with a back ache aint the ideal thing to happen when u wake up....and i had that. It sucks!! Rite now i cant do much movement that invovles the bending or turning my body i can feel the ache just rite there. I need someone to massage for me!! Where is Elaine when you need her XP....

Cant believe how fast time pass...scrap that...i know time passes fast but with the amount of time spending on fb and so on...the time just seem to be gone even faster. I need to stop that and start studying....i'm just looking forward at the end of exams then the begining, but to see the end first need to see the begining darn!!

Recipes From Movies To Try At Home...

Ok i got this from Empire again....and Ed i think you should try this...dun mind being ur lab rat though...kekekek XP...head over there to get a list of recipe you can try...

David Choi - Won't Even Start...

Monday, September 21, 2009

These 3 words...

I'm saying it not because i need to
But I want to
I'm saying it not because i was ask to
But I ask for
I'm saying it not because i had to
But I chose to
I'm saying it not because i was force
But with a willing heart
I'm saying it not for the sake of saying
But really mean it
I'm saying......


Finally after so many weeks of getting up later than how i started my semester...i manage to wake up early again. Well i guess maybe i coz i got kick out of the room and a change of place to sleep that make it happen. Yeap i've been shifted from my the back end of the living room. Well i think is just a few nites thing since there is guess ard. But suddenly it reminds me of being he too lives in a living room turn into a I'll show you some pics when i go get it snap

Back to the topic...i had one of the wierdest dream in a long time. So it all started that i was at an award show. It look alike alot like those Oscar award. Cool eh?? well the diff is the people who is watching it was mostly frens from church back in Msia and the host is Kim Loong(this really unexpected and so random..and i'm serious!!!) And the amazing part of that part in the dream...he did a side body flip!! Then while in the middle of it...i got to go off and as i was walking out, there i over heard a person A running to person B telling B that there is a wedding that he needs to lead as in be the minister....then as i continue to walk out, C then came running to B telling the same thing but a diff wedding..then B got furious and question why cant C lead the wedding!! and started scolding C...then it continue on with me getting out the place get in the car...apparently i'm going for a road trip to somewhere with some frens. And guess who is the driver?!!...Chelsie...and the moment we turn into the freeway, she started to speed up at first was already 120...then as the dream continue on...i realise my vision turn blured and i check how fast she was was from 120 - 140 - 160 - 180 -200...and when we got out of the freeway she was still driving at that speed!! But practically anything after that part i dun remember...

The people in the dream is really random coz it invovles 2 group of my frens i know from different place both Msia n Aust. and judging by the fact of thier physics and age is just impossible that wat i dreamt is just wierd...

14 Great Movie Stars Impressions by Empire...

Head over here to watch those 14 videos =)

Wong Fu Production - Yellow Fever...


waking up early in the morning is just not my thing anymore on weekends....i'll be so stone if i do wake up has been proven over n over agian and again today that has been proven once more. Had a long morning for a sunday....Woke up at 8 plus lying ard the bed till 9.20 before going out ard 10. And reach back home ard 2 plus 3...

Anyway...that is not the main point i wanted to Well firstly it happen in the middle of the week when my mum asked me abt whether i hav gf...ermm..ask me abt if u wan to find out more...then went for coffee and i was asked again...not whether i hav gf or not..but something similar and related..hahaha...not that i'm being protective and agasnt being asked abt it...i just think that just because everyone is in one doesnt mean i need to be in one...though most people hav one ard my age but that doesnt stop me from not being in one.

I just think that i dun need to rush into one or just look for one just for the sake of everyone has one. Especially when everyone is like expecting u to hav one!! which could lead to an easy misunderstanding or mislead feeling toward someone. Get wat i mean so far?? Is like because people expect u to be in one...then subconciously u could think that u like someone coz of recent things that has happen between u n that person. I dont think that is the right thing to happen to anyone.

Rushing into a reltionship just because u have a strong affection all of a sudden could lead the relationship to a bad ending. If u r asking whether i hav those kind of affection yes i do...but wat the heck?! that doesnt mean i need to rush, go ahead and get into a relationship....i would rather make sure what i'm feeling is not just a sudden thing and that is lasting temporary but rather something that is real!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Eye opener....

Hey everyone, How is everyone's week been going?? Yeah i know some just started with finals and some just finish thiers in Msia. While some over here are rushing for the assignment to finish and done to be handed in. Oh well that is the life of every normal coll/uni student.

Now after years of not driving never did i thought will i ever drive....well there is reasons why i dun drive over the years...but i drove. Yeah my parents went for a retreat with their cg and i had to drive to work well that is alrite so far...but at nite i was so bored and after some thought...i drove out again this time to Edwin's place....and from my place to not a short journey i think is fully testing my skill and memory of driving again...but everything was fine and well=)

Now it was at Ed's place that i find out about something...congrats!! oh well they will let everyone kow somehow one way or another...Oh yeah i told JT that i'll help promote her first video blog post....interesting topic i would say, it is a point of view on relationship....head over there to check it out!! Give some support by giving topic to talk about=) I've thought of doing video blog post before but after much thought i decided not until i have more interesting stuff to talk about.

Since we are on the topic of makes me wonder though. Wat is it??...oh well i dun feel like sharing it now...mayb next time i will mayb not again...depends...

Just A Nice Guy - Part 3...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

15MALAYSIA - Rojak!...

A Rojak seller’s take on Malaysia’s multi-faceted social political tapestry. Made entirely with CGI special effects. Visually stunning.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wasting time...

Less than a month to go for my finals and i'm still lazing ard...nah is just more of slow revision...yawn...wonder why stuff that is important for our career sound boring when reading it...

Anyway, was watching videos on facebook and check this video (click in case you r still blur and waiting for my link!!) Which i find it not bad, and another video, which is funny...heheheh enjoy

15MALAYSIA - Lollipop...

A haunting portrayal of a pedophile preparing to hunt, interspersed with metaphors on the state of Malaysian politics

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Want To...

Alright boys and girls!! i had a great weekend and i hope most of you do too!! I played bowling on Friday after a long long long long long....ok mayb not that long since April...but i consider it long...i practically played kinda good at the beginning with the strikes n spare...but when it comes to the 7th round of the first become from strike/spare to 9-8 pins....8-7pins....6-4 pins....lost the stamina to play properly for 2 games...oh well at elast had fun!!!

Oh learn to played a new game last week it is called Settlers of Catan (hey am i spelling this right?! cant remember the spelling...) Anyway, Saturday night was the second time i played and i enjoyed with all the intensity of almost winning!!

Right next come Sunday, for the first time in a long long long long long long long long long long long time that i've woken up from bed after 1pm...I'mm serious abt this. The last time i woke at this time was when i was sick few years back in Malaysia. Didnt really do much today, but at night headed over to Edrin's place for dinner and watched Australian Idol. Overall i would say a nice good relaxing weekend.

If you have been following my blog, i bet you noticed that i've been posting 15MALAYSIA videos...well another 2 more days and all 15 videos will be out and i've posted 13 videos just incase you have not watched all of it....head over to thier website or just check out my achive on the left!! And speaking of videos to watch...there is this co/group or watever u wan to call it, Wong Fu Productions has some nice videos...go check it out...

Now recently i've been seeing loads of facebook links to youtube videos, mayb is the friends that i've added recently but hey and funnily enough, i've been to youtube more often then the past 12 months. There are funny, interesting videos. So after some thought and seeing that many of u who back in Malaysia is having exam soon...i've decided to post some videos here...mayb and hopefully help you relax a a break time but of coz all you people back there need to do your part and study even if it means spending hours trying to solve a sample question!!!

So before i go here is a video....enjoy=)

15MALAYSIA - Healthy Paranoia...

An over-zealous public relations consultant advises the current minister of health how to discourage unhealthy lifestyles in Malaysia.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This scene is from Step Out 2....i kinda impressed with the dance move...enjoy=)

Friday, September 11, 2009

15MALAYSIA - Duit Kecil

A man finds himself without small change in a cheap brothel. Many arguments ensue and problems faced by the Malaysian common man are discussed humorously.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Just need to say something about it....

When your brain say that you like someone to you and you dun feel it...dun go looking for tat person n confess...coz i say you dun like them at all...
When your heart says u like someone and your brain dun say so....dun go looking for that person n confess....coz i say it might be a crush and nothing more....
When both your heart n brain is telling you the same thing....i ask why are you wasting ur time and reading this?!!

ok i'm just crapping here...i'm bored...wait no i'm not....actually i've got things to do...just procastinating that is all. And not really fully crap...Is just recently not long ago that my brain tells me that...coz think too much but i'm definately know that i'm not into her. And i was rite!! My brain always play tricks on me...and thankfully everytime i didnt do stupid stuff!!

Last nite....ok make that 2 nites ago judging from the time rite now...i had one of the wierdest dream. I dreamt that i was with a girl, and i dunno how i was making out wit the girl..till the point where things almost go all natural...and then the sane mind that is filled wit proper teaching and so on stop me and told the girl that we cant go on wat we are doing, and immediately the girl cried and ran. And when i run after her and explain things......ok i'm not going tell the ending...just know that i told her how i feel and she how i feel....that is the dream....the wierd part: i know the girl but i dun really talk to her at fact she is not even a fren of mine..i mean she is a fren of my fren. Wierd...but this has something very similar to real life though but not gonna say....and i never wan to dream of something like this anymore....

Before i end...A question: how often do you misinterpret signals from the opposite sex?? Wat would you do next??

If you are thinking why the random questions....dun bother..coz my brain comes out with random questions every now n then....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The day when 9s gathered...

Today, 9th of September, or for this year it will 09/09/09.

On this day 11 years ago is the day that my mother remarried....

And 11 years later...

A dear friend of mine got married....

Congratulations to both of you!! And be bless as a new chapter in life begins=)

15MALAYSIA - Meter...

The controversial head of UMNO Youth plays a taxi driver who is asked his views on some current Malaysian talking points. He ends up offering a keris to a Chinese boy as a gift.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Erection Steve on Xtra Factor 29/08/2009...

There it goes...

Of all the time for me to get new gadgets it couldnt be worst than this year.....reason?? Ermm...well me not earning money, living in a family with 1 source of income, and the economic not doing so good.

Wat happen??....first it started off with my msian phone being lost (oh precious N70 of mine!!!)..then the death of my laptop (you have live a fruitful 6 yrs!!!)...and now my aust number phone is having screen problem (you are still young yet had a serious sickness) replace / fix all of this...means more $$ spending =(


Monday, September 7, 2009

Por Una Cabeza...

15MALAYSIA - Gerhana...

Two secret lovers rendezvous in a plush hotel room while TV news is read in the background. A dark take on apathy in Malaysia.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Resting time...

Got back home after discussion to find myself lying down on my bed....which ended up me sleeping. While an hour n half later just realise i was sleeping and my mom has been frantically trying to call me...which my phone didnt make a single sound at all...i think she dialled the wrong number but that is impossible since is not her first time trying to call me, but then again my phone shows no sign of miss call or wat so ever....oh well that has passs and it shall be left right there....

It has been some time that i've posted so many posts in one day. And now another post for the day with a little update to the blogroll...nope is not ed's blog, i've mention that in my previous post. I've added another blog into the blog link to the blog roll so just head over there if u wanna read it.