Thursday, August 28, 2008


I've watched Mamma Mia!! And i enjoy the, ABBA sure was good. I love the songs though in the movie they weren't the real singers of the original songs but the lyrics itself is good enuf. Another nice musical i find is Sweeny Todd played by Johnny Depp. That movie is nice, for a change that musical is dark not like most musical where everything seems so bright and shinny n happy. the title says it...a musical this movie was and talking about musical, the funny thing about musical is that out of the blue they will just sing the song even though it might just seem wierd for the situation. For an example..if u watch High School Musical 2....there is one part where troy ran out of the kitchen(if i remember it clearly..)and then i was thinking that he was going to talk to the manager or soemthing but end up running out to the fields to sing...haha. It just feel so not rite as though potong stim=P But then one thing i like about musical is the songs, when it comes to musical...story line is the second essence i feel where as the song and music will be the main essence. Witht the music fail to perform at its very best then the whole thing is just a mess. Anyway go watch Mamma Mia! it is a enjoyable movie=)

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