Friday, August 15, 2008


Yes the title says it all....i miss that radio just that they hav one of my favourite radio shows i like listening too...the Morning Crew - JJ n Rudy. haha...i was reading at Charis blog(and by the way thanks for the post) Then i was bored so i look on her blog for links and i found Hitz.FM!! yeah...haha..i love the Gotcha's and the 'Yes, No, ermm and ah' game...oh and not forgeting their parody of songs!!!(if there is new ones please!! please send it to me)...haha...i remember every morning listening to people trying to win the game, n both jj n rudy is good at that game. And there is those super keng people who manage to beat them. But all time favourite, Gotcha' calls. haha!! Oh man, if i ever go back the first radio station i would listen would be them!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for listening to us.... You ROCK