Monday, July 6, 2009

Battle of the Sexes...

Often you hear on radio abt which of the 2 sexes is better, the guys or the girls. There is always competition between the guys and the girls in like almost everything....i think....hahha. Education wise, who is, who is more, who play a more important role.

In my opinion, we are equal. It doesnt matter what each side does i still think we are still equal. I read somewhere before that, God didnt create woman out of man from the body parts of his head nor did He took part from the leg but instead from the ribs which signify equality.

Our roles in every aspect is different. Some things guys are better at it than girls and vice versa. But that doesnt mean overall one is better than the other. We are created that way therefore we naturally are better in some area than the other but overall we are equal....

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